Take back your data

Twetch. The decentralized social network where you own your data and earn money for your content.


We don't sell your data and never will.

Twetch empowers people to own their content, earn from it, and take it with them wherever they go.

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The Future is Bright

You see it every day. Censorship, trolling, fake news, pesky ads. You provide all the value for the social media you use. They make billions, you get nothing in return. It's time to take back your data.


Rethinking the Internet

On Twetch, interactions are micropayments. All of your content on Twetch is signed by you and stored on the blockchain, so it is always accessible to you.


Introducing Twetch Chat

What if you could message someone without ever having to give the information you write to a third party like Twitter or Facebook? If your messages were completely private, and only accessible to those you give permission, your data would truly be yours. Introducing Twetch Chat, fully encrypted messaging using Bitcoin, AES, and ECIES. Featuring in-app peer2peer payments and group chat support.

Read the Blog

Introducing /pay

A /pay command triggers a fren2fren™ transaction. Meaning there is no middle-man. Twetchers can send money directly to their friends instantly. This is different from products like Venmo and Paypal because those two require middle-men and days to route the payments.

Twetch command line

A / in a new post triggers the Twetch command line. In this case, /pay is a command to send money in the amount you choose.

Instant payments

Twetch Fren2Fren™ technologies allow for instant digital cash payments. Twetch never touches your money.


Make Your Haters Pay You

Instead of blocking, Twetchers can choose how much it costs for a user to interact with them using the command /trolltoll

Twetch command line

A / in a new post triggers the Twetch command line. In this case, /trolltoll is a command to require a specific user to pay a toll to interact with you.


Wherever there is internet, there are trolls. Use the troll toll to make it too expensive for them to bother you.

  • Idea


    User has information they want to post.

    User pays a small microtransaction to upload information to blockchain

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  • Post


    User posts information to the blockchain

    Information is published to the chain

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  • Profit


    Every time a user receives an interaction, they get paid.

    Payments are direct cash payments to a users wallet. No middle-man.


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